Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Fire Extinguisher Services In New Jersey: When To Make Use?

Many people think that having fire sprinklers installed on their property will help them combat fire mishaps and accidents in a better way. However, this is not true! It is very important for people to understand that different fire devices have been designed for different purposes.

Fire Extinguisher Services

Yes, fire sprinklers are useful, but only if it is a huge commercial setting. If the setting is small, fire extinguishers are your best bet. In order to get fire extinguishers installed on your property, it is essential to contact fire extinguisher services in New Jersey. The mere installation of this device is not the end of the task. It is crucial to be aware of the proper working of the device as well.

Below is a small guide that will help you understand the instructions properly and guide to using fire extinguishers the right way. Continue reading to know more!

What is the right time to make use of a fire extinguisher?
Obviously, in case of a fire accident. You might think so! But not using this device the right way might aggravate the situation even more and out you and your colleagues or loved ones in danger. Before you spray the extinguisher on a fire, ensure that the fire is not spreading and is confined. Also, the vicinity should not be filled with smoke. Make sure you inform the fire emergency department about the same. If you feel that the situation is under control, you must make use of the fire extinguisher, but if you feel that you cannot handle the situation, it is best to vacate the property.

The right way to use fire extinguishers
Making use of a fire extinguisher is not that difficult, if you know the right technique, you can take effective steps to curb fire from spreading and causing property damage. The acronym that you must remember is:
PASS, which means:
  • Pull- There is a pin on the top of the extinguisher. The pin is designed to open the lock of the extinguisher.
  • Aim- Know your spot. You should aim at the base of the fire to extinguish it.
  • Squeeze- This should be done slowly. On pressing this, the extinguishing agent from the nozzle will be released.
  • Sweep- Slide the nozzle from side to side in order to cover maximum damage and suppress the fire.
You can also contact the fire extinguisher services in Long Branch to demonstrate to you and the employees working on your property the right method of using fire extinguishers. This is a great way of taking effective steps to reduce fire damage.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Fire extinguisher inspection: A must-have checklist!

Having a well-planned fire protection system is crucial for both commercial and residential buildings, of course, by now you know this already. But do you know your responsibility is not limited to just installing fire protection systems in your building? In fact, it’s the first step to ensure your place is safe from fire accidents. Once you’ve fire protection systems installed in your building, the next step is maintenance and inspection. Therefore, you need to consider fire system inspection once a month to ensure your building complies with the fire protection standards and codes.
Fire extinguisher service New Jersey
In this post, we will talk about monthly inspection of the fire extinguisher - A device used to extinguish small fires in emergency situations. Please remember, monthly inspections can’t replace annual inspection by a fire protection professional. When it comes to monthly fire inspections, these can be performed on your own or you hire a fire extinguisher service provider in New Jersey. And they are designed to fill the gaps in annual inspections so that your building has working fire protection systems.
Here are some of the steps you need to follow for completing your monthly fire extinguisher inspection in a few months.
  • Make sure your fire extinguishers are located in the right places, and they shouldn’t be blocked by furniture or any other obstructions.
  • Everyone or at least a few people should be trained on how to use the nearest fire extinguisher in a fire emergency. This is the fastest and most effective way to extinguish a fire in the beginning stage. Also, you can prevent a fire from spreading to other areas in your building.
  • When it comes to performing fire extinguisher inspection, check the locking pin of your extinguisher is intact and make sure the tamper seal is not broken. This will help you know that no one has tampered with the fire extinguisher.
  • When inspecting the tank look for any physical damage, leaks, or corrosion. Also, the hose shouldn’t be broken, the nozzle shouldn’t be clogged and make sure the handle isn’t damaged.
  • Another important step in fire extinguisher inspection is examining the pressure gauge. Make sure it is green - an indication of a fully charged fire extinguisher.
  • The operating instructions and nameplate must be correct, legible and facing outward.
In conclusion
This is an important fire extinguisher inspection checklist you must have. After inspection, if you find any problems in your fire extinguisher, immediately notify the safety department to find out whether you need canisters recharge, repair or replacement.