Friday, 18 September 2020

Significance of Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

We try our best to keep everyone around us safe. Despite the best efforts, certain things are beyond our control. One of them is catastrophic fire events, which result in loss of lives and property. These events give traumatic experiences that are difficult to deal with. You are gouging to experience a huge business loss if you do not install a proper fire safety system with fire extinguisher services near you.

fire extinguisher maintenance

Common issues with fire extinguisher systems

Fire extinguishers usually work for several years and, after some time, tend to rust and weaken. There are times when someone tampers with the extinguisher and it becomes of no use, especially when you desperately need it. Therefore, it is important to hire fire extinguishers services such as inspection and maintenance services to ensure fire extinguishers stay in pristine condition always. 

There are times when you have a fire safety system on your premises, but it does not function when you need the most. 

Maintaining fire extinguishers is extremely important. Here are some important reasons to hire fire extinguisher maintenance services.


  • Saves lives: Employees are entitled to work and feel safe at the office. Their work is their life, and keeping them safe is your responsibility. By conducting fire extinguisher maintenance regularly, you can save precious lives and boost their productivity at work.
  • Code compliance: You must get fire extinguishers before a local inspector comes and starts attempting charges of the code violation. Conducting monthly maintenance would save you from the code violations imposed on you.
  • Saves money: If you believe that you don't have enough money to maintain these systems frequently, certain fire extinguisher services will come up with hefty discounts. You have to get regular inspections every month. This would save a lot of bucks that can be used for rainy days. It is essential to keep the business safe.


A proper fire extinguisher maintenance would save you from the hassles at the later stages. Get them inspected and resolve the existing issues now. The safety of the employees must not be compromised at any cost. Neglecting these things could have detrimental consequences and unbearable losses in the future.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Prevent Major Fire Mishaps by Maintaining the Fire Sprinkler System

A business is established by putting a lot of heat and sweat into it. We expect that the business must run smoothly and give us huge profits. A fire event, one such thing which is often neglected by us, might ruin the entire business if not taken care of properly. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to keep your property and employees safe. Therefore, fire system installation has become the need of an hour. After installation, your sprinkler will perform what is expected out of it. However, just installing the right fire sprinkler system is not enough. There are certain other things that the business owner must do to make the most of fire sprinkler system during emergencies:

Sprinkler System Maintenance


  • If you are a landlord, try to contact fire sprinkler service providers in case there is a switch of tenants. Ensure that your fire sprinkler system meets the requirements of the new tenants. Sprinkler systems are designed for all sorts of tenants living in the building.
  • Get your fire sprinkler system inspected annually by a qualified contractor. This annual process must include inspections and fire sprinkler maintenance including heads, riser pipe, valves, and pump. If your sprinkler has an antifreeze loop or dry valve pipe, get them inspected as well.
  • After five years, an internal assessment is conducted on the sprinkler. Such inspections are taken up to ensure that there are no foreign materials in it such as rust, sludge, and rocks. These particles would become a hindrance during the activation of the sprinkler.
  • Maintain an 18 inches clearance below the heads of the sprinkler. This would let the water reach out to the fire. Take this step and mitigate the fire event before the arrival of the fire department.


Make sure that these steps are followed by you as a business owner. Train your employees on how to use the fire sprinkler systems. Fire events take place due to several reasons. There is a need to get Fire Sprinkler Maintenance properly to prevent lives from getting into danger. By taking these steps, you can focus on other business areas and enhance productivity in the years to come.