Wednesday, 29 April 2020

5 interesting facts about fire sprinkler systems

The number of fire mishaps is increasing at a rapid rate in both residential and commercial properties every day. Therefore, it is crucial to have a well-maintained fire protection system in our buildings. Besides fire extinguishers, a fire sprinkler system is another important component of a fire protection system. A fire sprinkler system helps in detecting a potential fire mishap and often puts out the fire before it spreads. 

fire sprinkler systems

Even though it is an important part of the fire protection system, many people still are don’t know a lot about them. Thus, in this blog, we are discussing some of the interesting facts about fire sprinklers that you probably didn’t know. 

  1. Fire sprinkler heads are designed to sprinkle water when they detect fire temperatures exceeding 155°. In residential properties, only one sprinkler head is enough to control fires. More than 90 percent of fires can be put out with less than 6 sprinkler heads. According to a study conducted, it was found that 82 percent of fire mishaps during 80 years of automatic sprinkler were handled with the help of less than three sprinkler heads. 
  2. Smoke detectors are activated when they detect smoke or fire incident and provide an early warning to help save lives. However, they are not designed to control fire breakouts in your premises. Often times, battery-operated smoke detectors fail to give any warning beforehand due to dead or faulty batteries. Therefore, it is always recommended to have a well-maintained fire sprinkler system in place to avoid such situations. 
  3. Fire sprinklers are designed to offer a high level of safety against fire breakouts. According to statistics, it has been found that the loss of lives has been significantly low in a building that has fire sprinkler installation. The installation of early warning systems with an automatic sprinkler system in a building can reduce the overall damage by at least 50 percent. 
  4. Fire sprinkler systems are highly effective as they get activated quickly in a fire. They not only help save lives and property damage but also can also reduce homeowner insurance premiums. 
  5. Fire sprinklers installed in residential places can control a fire in relatively less time than a fire department would take to reach the site. 
  6. Many people believe that fire sprinklers can release water by accident and cause water damage. However, it is seldom occurrence. These systems are only activated when they detect extreme smoke or out of control fire. 

Please remember, 
When it comes to fire sprinkler systems, it is important to keep them in working condition to ensure that they don’t fail to perform when required. For fire sprinkler maintenance services, you can hire a professional service provider who can provide monthly, quarterly, and annual maintenance services. 

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